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Church Planting & Renewal Conversations

Covenant Theological Seminary – Church Planting Track

Covenant Theological Seminary has a long history of developing church planters. Now with Dr. Robert Kim at the helm, the Church Planting Track provides the tools necessary to become church planters who start gospel-preaching churches, and to become movement leaders for church planting and multiplication. Join the conversation with Robert Kim, and CTS alumni and students Craig Harris, Nathan Arnold, and Kyle Lindgren to hear what the Lord is doing.
  • Wed • Feb 2, 2022 • 2:00 pm
  • 1 hr 01 min 05 sec

Our guests today were:

Robert Kim: Assistant Professor of Applied Theology and Church Planting since 2019. He has 23 years of pastoral and church planting experience.

If you wish to schedule a time to speak with Dr. Kim, you can make an appointment at:

Craig Harris: CTS alumni, having graduated in 2018 and is planting in Yakima, WA, which launched in 2020.

Nathan Arnold: Covenant’s first CP track graduate in December. After serving as a church planting resident for the past year and a half, Nathan is now on staff as an assistant pastor at Woke Bridge Community church, a multi-ethnic EPC church plant in Ferguson, MO.

Kyle Lindgren: serves with Stu Kearns in Lincoln, NE (Zion Presbyterian) in his 2nd year at CTS’ MDiv program.

Links suggested for more information:

Covenant Seminary’s Church Planting Track website

4 Trends Shaping Church Planting and Growth Through 2050

Ed Stetzer: 5 Future Trends of Church Planting