PTSD from War

Posted on
September 16, 2024

The Ever Real, Ever Present, Ever Controlling Impact of Combat
and the need for light to shine in the darkness


The military is a culture unlike any other. It brings challenges, temptations, and struggles that are unique to its mission. Uncovering what these issues are and addressing them is vital for churches and organizations that are connected to those who serve or have served in the Armed Forces.

To assist civilian ministry in this effort, the Presbyterian & Reformed Chaplain Commission (PRCC) offers resources to make the gospel relevant and accessible to military life. What we provide is based on the beliefs (a) that overcoming any challenge in life begins by turning to Christ, and (b) that apart from the enlightenment of the Word and the regenerative work of the Spirit a person will not find their greatest purpose, peace of mind or recovery from sin or afflictions. With this vision, we hope this booklet will prove enlightening in understanding issues confronting military members while pointing to how God can enter and bring hope. Please give your feedback on what we offer or should consider offering as we are open to how we can better refine this ministry and make a greater impact in the kingdom of God.


This booklet provides an overview on the topic of PTSD from War. It begins by giving a stark picture of how someone with PTSD views the world, and afterwards, provides suggestions to Veterans and Churches regarding how to deal with the challenges that PTSD brings.


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