January 12, 2023


MNA Ministries exist to serve the church for planting and vitality.

Mission to North America

African American Ministries

Recruiting, supporting, equipping, and mobilizing Black leaders in ministry.

Bent Tree

Providing pastoral soul care, community, support, resources, and growth opportunities for pastors.

Chaplain Ministries

Championing chaplains through pastoral care, endorsement, and connection to local churches for prayer and support.

ESL Ministries

Equipping churches to reach immigrants, international college students, and refugees with the gospel in both word and deed.

Haitian American Ministries

Guiding indigenous leaders in planting PCA churches to serve Haitian-Americans and lead many to Christ.

Hispanic Ministries

Connecting and supporting PCA churches committed to reaching Hispanics in the United States with the gospel.

Korean American Leadership Initiative

Cultivating greater participation and development of future Korean American leaders in the PCA.

Korean Ministries

Serving, equipping, and mobilizing Koreans in the PCA for the purpose of growing and multiplying healthy churches.

Metanoia Prison Ministries

Partnering with churches to develop a discipleship and outreach ministry for prisoners in their communities.

Ministry to State

Providing spiritual guidance, support, and encouragement to those serving in government.

MNA City Lights Chinese Ministries

Reaching the Chinese community in North America through church planting.
mna cross blue

MNA Cultural Intelligence

Consulting with leaders in cross-cultural church planting, supporting minority leaders in navigating PCA culture, and counseling those interested in growing in cultural competence.

MNA Disaster Response

Providing support, disaster preparedness training, and spiritual encouragement to PCA churches in disaster-affected communities.

MNA Mercy Ministries

Encouraging & equipping PCA churches and members to minister to people who not only need the Gospel but who face circumstances of tangible need or difficulty.
MNA Rural Church Planting

MNA Rural Church Planting Ministry

Raising up and equipping church planters in rural communities.

MNA ShortTerm Missions

Mobilizing and equipping PCA churches by promoting short-term ministry opportunities with PCA churches and ministries throughout the U.S. and Canada.

Native American and First Nations Ministries

Planting churches in urban, reservation, and rural centers with strong Native populations, and advocating for a call to reconciliation among churches and presbyteries.

Network of Portuguese Speaking Churches

Building a movement of Portuguese-speaking churches and services in the PCA to represent the community of Portuguese-speaking countries.

PCA Unity Fund

Providing grants to educate, train, mentor, and develop minority leaders in the PCA through a gospel initiative.

Refugee and Immigrant Ministry

Coming alongside local PCA churches to encourage and resource them as they engage, befriend, serve, and disciple refugees and immigrants in their communities.

Recommended Ministry Partners

The following are a list of ministries that MNA recommends, but are not under MNA oversight.

Canaan Group

Fundraising systems for optimal organizational impact

Engaging Disability with the Gospel

Making the gospel accessible through disability ministry in every church

Leadership and Ministry Preparation

Training Men for the Ministry Through Apprenticeship


Business expertise to empower your mission

Chalmers Center

Addressing broken relationships at the root of poverty

China Partnership

Gospel of grace among the Chinese communities

Christianity Explored

Curriculum to introduce people to Jesus

Church Multiplication Ministries

Empowering leaders to multiply the gospel

City to City

Recruit, train, coach, and resource leaders

Covenant Seminary Church Plant

Equipping movement leaders for church planting

Evangelize Today

Hearing faith questions in everyday conversations

Flourish Coaching

Coaching pastors and churches in church renewal

Institute for Cross-Cultural Mission

Welcome others as Christ welcomes us

Life on Life

Missional discipleship in the life of the church

Lifeline Children’s Services

Manifest the gospel to vulnerable children

McGowan and Associates

Pastor searches, strategic planning, church renewal

Midwest Alliance

PCA Midwest Church Planting Partnership

NXTGEN Pastors

Raising up the next generation of pastors


Training, supporting and valuing women in church planting

Pathway Learning

Mentoring to multiply gospel-centered churches

Prayer Current

See Jesus

See and reflect Jesus through discipleship

Taking Donors Seriously

Developing your personal fundraising plan

Third Mill

Biblical education for the world for free

By Design Coaching

Advancing God’s Kingdom | One Coaching Conversation at a Time


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