September 20, 2022

Reverend Dr. Murray W. Lee, appointed MNA Executive Coordinator, effective September 15, 2022

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September 20, 2022

It is my great delight to introduce Teaching Elder Murray W. Lee as the newly appointed MNA Executive Coordinator. Dr. Lee will begin serving September 15, 2022. I have been privileged to serve with Murray on the MNA Permanent Committee prior to my appointment as MNA Coordinator. In God’s good providence, my first year as Coordinator coincided with Murray’s appointment as Committee Chairman. His desire to see MNA continue to grow in our ability to cultivate kingdom advancement through the PCA is unmatched. God has gifted and prepared him as the person to fill this vital leadership role, integrating the major functions of MNA by bringing all areas of operations into increased focus, alignment, and care of MNA’s purpose and mission. Please join me in praying for Murray, the many brothers and sisters he will help lead within MNA, and the flourishing of the PCA for the sake of Christ and his kingdom! – MNA Coordinator TE Irwyn Ince Jr.


Dr. Murray W. Lee currently serves Cahaba Park Church PCA as Senior Pastor. He is a graduate of Samford University (Communication Studies, 2002) where he met his wife Kim, Covenant Theological Seminary (Master of Divinity, 2005), and University of Alabama (Ph.D. in Organizational Communications through the College ofCommunications and Informational Sciences, 2017). In January 2006, Murray was called by Covenant Presbyterian Church (Birmingham, AL) to serve as Assistant Pastor of Church Planting. In September 2007, he and Kim planted Cahaba Park Church PCA, a daughter church of Covenant Presbyterian Church. Cahaba Park Church PCA was particularized in September 2008. Murray led Cahaba Park Church PCA in the planting of three daughter churches and established a church planting ministry, COHORT, with the help of CPC’s daughter churches and Mission to North America. Approximately 20% of new PCA church plants each year come through the COHORT ministry. COHORT has helped establish more than eighty new churches in10 years. God has blessed the PCA already through the organizational leadership gifts of Murray as a member of the MNA Permanent Committee (2013-2022); MNA Permanent Committee Chairman (2021 – 2022); Evangel Presbytery Moderator (2020 and 2021) and Evangel Presbytery MNA Committee Chairman (2016 – 2022) and assisted in establishing the Alabama Church Planting Network serving in various leadership positions. Murray and Kim have been married twenty years and have three children. In addition to his passion for his family and for ministry, he loves watching his kids play the sports they love, working in the yard and Alabama football.


  • Lee, M.W. (2017). Institutional change: intra-denominational coalition collaboration in the Presbyterian Church in America. (Accession No. 10600317.) [Doctoral dissertation, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa]. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing.
  • Lee, M.W. Baker, J.S. (2015). Facing identity questions during organizational change. Case studies of nonprofit organizations and volunteers, 115-121.

What a King we serve! Just last year I wrote to you as the MNA Permanent CommitteeChairman celebrating the call of God on Irwyn as MNA Coordinator. Now, in God’s great kindness, I write as the MNA Executive Coordinator. I have had the great joy of working closely with MNA for nine years as a MNA Permanent Committee Member and seen the wonderful things God has done, is doing and will do in his kingdom in North America. I am a son of the PCA: born and raised in this wonderful portion of God’s Kingdom. For the past 15 years I have had the great privilege of planting and leading Cahaba Park Church, PCA as its Senior Pastor. In this new role I am prayerfully hopeful and excited to help lead MNA with Irwyn, the staff, the permanent committee members and you to be a center of excellence that equips PCA churches for kingdom mission. May the Lord use MNA to cultivate Kingdom advancement through the PCA in North America to the glory of his name!

MNA Executive Coordinator TE Murray Lee 

What an outstanding executive leader MNA will have in Murray Lee! Murray’s administrative gifts have blessed MNA since 2013, and I’m excited for Murray to integrate the major operations of MNA with strong leadership, management and accountability alongside Irwyn.  Murray’s experience at Cahaba Park and keen awareness of organizational leadership dynamics will further equip the MNA staff to serve each PCA church with resources to strategically extend the gospel to our neighbors. May the Lord bless the synergy of leadership developing at MNA for His glory!”

MNA Permanent Committee Vice-Chairman TE Blake Altman

I love it during the worship service when the pastor says, “God is good,” and the congregation responds, “All the time!” Then he says, “And all the time,” and the people reply, “God is good.” There are particular times when we are able to declare God’s goodness in response to specific prayers that he has answered. This is one of those occasions. As our new MNA structure was coming into shape it was clear that the person selected for the MNA Executive Coordinator role would require the relatively unique combination of organizational leadership skills, pastoral gifting, and business acumen. As Murray and I worked together I often thought, “If only he could be the permanent MNA Permanent Committee Chairman!” Well, the Lord had something better in mind! May he be pleased to glorify himself through our work as we seek to serve every church and presbytery in our beloved PCA!

MNA Coordinator TE Irwyn Ince Jr.

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