January 11, 2023

Mike Kennamer

Mike Kennamer

TAG Region and Warehouse Manager
| MNA Disaster Response

About Mike Kennamer

Mike Kennamer and his wife Trisha live in Henagar, Alabama. Mike and Trisha have been involved with MNA Disaster Response since 2005, when their family served in Biloxi and Bay Saint Louis Mississippi after Hurricane Katrina ravaged the Gulf Coast. They also organized and managed disaster response efforts for sixteen months after deadly tornadoes ripped through their area in April 2011. Mike has been a ruling elder since 2006 and he and Trisha are members of Grace Community Trenton, a PCA church in Trenton, Georgia. They have three grown sons, two wonderful daughters-in-law, and a growing brood of grandchildren.


Mike was called in 2015 to establish the TAG (Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia) region of MNA Disaster Response. In 2018, he was called as the manager of the MNA Charles H. Jones Family Disaster Response Warehouse in Rome Georgia. In this dual role within MNA Disaster Response, he assists churches in developing disaster response teams, coordinates disaster recovery efforts, and is responsible for the acquisition, receipt, inventory, and deployment of materials, supplies, and tools to disaster sites across the United States and to regional depots.


Mike retired from his job as dean at a community college at the end of 2021 and now is available to devote full-time energy to the ministry.


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Mike Kennamer

TAG Region and Warehouse Manager
| MNA Disaster Response