Growing Together Podcast: Setting the Table for Kingdom Mission

February 15, 2023

In this first episode, Dr. Irwyn Ince, Dr. Murray Lee, and Chris Vogel set the stage for Kingdom Mission by discussing the task set before Mission to North America (MNA), how that is expressed today, the growth of MNA through various ministries, and how they engage the challenges before them. The episode will conclude with an invitation to pray for the upcoming General Assembly.


Links suggested for more information:


MNA’s website: https://pcamna.org/


Join the movement to have 1000 Ruling and Teaching Elders praying for the 2023 General Assembly by going to: https://bit.ly/3iOF7Kz or https://pcamna.org/mna-prayer-partners/

“The two-pronged tips of the spear for kingdom mission for our denomination are church vitality and planting.”
Chris Vogel

Chris is a church planter and leader from Lancaster, PA. He married his wife Janet in 1982 and settled in Wisconsin 35 years ago. After completing seminary and pursuing a Ph.D., he assisted with a church plant in Milwaukee before planting Cornerstone Church in Waukesha in 1992. He served as senior pastor for 26 years and has been involved in church planting and credentialing in Northern Illinois and Wisconsin Presbyteries. He is the former Director of the On Wisconsin Network and the founder of NXTGEN Pastors, which trains mentors for pastoral health. Chris is also on the board of The Midwest Alliance and Flourish Coaching. Chris currently serves as MNA Church Planting and Vitality Coordinator. He and Janet have been married for 40 years and have three children and three grandchildren.